Execution Discussions related to deployment mechanics. Includes: running steps in a deployment, machine registration and communications, health checks, automatic deployments, subscriptions and retention policy. Containers Discourse This category is for issues relating to the forum itself Infrastructure Usability Discussions related to mobile & responsive design as well as accessibility issues. Examples include keyboard support, alignment bugs and the general mobile experience. Hosted Modelling Migration Octopus provides some tools for moving parts of your Octopus data around. There are some things the tools are good at, and some things the tools don’t support. Technical Performance Scale Uncategorised Security The Security category is for discussing matters related to the privacy and integrity of your Octopus Deploy installation. Some examples: Authentication Discussions related to user management and authentication in Octopus. Includes Active Directory, Azure AD, GoogleApps, and Okta Operations Program Management Discussions relating to the Octopus product roadmap and features. Cloud Discussions related to deployments into the cloud. Includes Azure and AWS.