Azure The remote script failed with exit code 100

Hi Support,

I have been using OD for several years to deploy a Web App and SQL Database to Azure.
Today it stopped working.

I’ve updated to the latest version - but no change in the error.

The Raw Log is below.

Any ideas?


Andy Collinson

Task ID: ServerTasks-34369
Task status: Failed
Task queued: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 8:35:02 PM
Task started: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 8:35:03 PM
Task completed: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 8:35:29 PM
Task duration: 26 seconds
Server version: 2018.9.17+Branch.master.Sha.9e332cbb3a61d59f7f14c94196e6c4ed481b10a3
Server node: CIDEPLOY

                | == Failed: Deploy WebProject release 2.118.356 to DevelopmentTesting ==

20:35:05 Info | Step 1: Review the Major and Minor version number in Octopus was manually skipped, and will not be executed
20:35:05 Info | Step 2: Ensure Project is up to date was manually skipped, and will not be executed
20:35:05 Verbose | Step 3: Update WebSite with Documents does not apply to the current environment, and will not be executed
20:35:05 Verbose | Step 4: Test Documentation up to date does not apply to the current environment, and will not be executed
20:35:05 Verbose | Step 5: Alert Users One Day Before does not apply to the current environment, and will not be executed
20:35:05 Verbose | Step 6: SVN Copy in Repo Browser - WebProject does not apply to the current environment, and will not be executed
20:35:05 Verbose | Step 7: SVN Copy in Repo Browser - SQL does not apply to the current environment, and will not be executed
20:35:05 Verbose | Step 8: SVN Copy in Repo Browser - SQL RedGate does not apply to the current environment, and will not be executed
20:35:05 Verbose | Step 9: SVN Copy in Repo Browser - PowerShell does not apply to the current environment, and will not be executed
20:35:05 Verbose | Step 10: Copy Database from Production to Staging - Manual does not apply to the current environment, and will not be executed
20:35:05 Verbose | Step 11: De-Personalise Staging Database - Manual does not apply to the current environment, and will not be executed
20:35:05 Verbose | Step 12: Export Staging Db to a .bacpac and save to SQL does not apply to the current environment, and will not be executed
20:35:05 Verbose | Step 13: Backup the Production Database does not apply to the current environment, and will not be executed
20:35:05 Verbose | Step 14: Start Maintenance Mode does not apply to the current environment, and will not be executed
20:35:05 Info | Step 15: Disable Application Insights Ping Test was manually skipped, and will not be executed
20:35:05 Verbose | Step 17: Deploy WebApp WebProject Live Subscription does not apply to the current environment, and will not be executed
20:35:05 Info | Step 18: Download Database NuGet Package was manually skipped, and will not be executed
20:35:05 Info | Step 19: Redgate - Create Database Release is disabled, and will not be executed
20:35:05 Info | Step 20: Redgate - Create Database Release New was manually skipped, and will not be executed
20:35:05 Info | Step 21: Review Database Release was manually skipped, and will not be executed
20:35:05 Info | Step 22: Redgate - Deploy from Database Release is disabled, and will not be executed
20:35:05 Info | Step 23: Redgate - Deploy from Database Release NEW was manually skipped, and will not be executed
20:35:05 Info | Step 24: Re-Enable Application Insights Ping Test was manually skipped, and will not be executed
20:35:05 Info | Step 25: Record Version and Maintenance in Live Site was manually skipped, and will not be executed
20:35:05 Info | Step 26: Record Version and Maintenance in IVR was manually skipped, and will not be executed
20:35:05 Verbose | Step 27: Stop Maintenance Mode and clear Planned Shutdown does not apply to the current environment, and will not be executed
20:35:05 Verbose | Step 28: Complete Document Control does not apply to the current environment, and will not be executed
20:35:05 Verbose | Step 29: Update DropBox with Documents does not apply to the current environment, and will not be executed
20:35:05 Verbose | Step 30: SVN Copy in Repo Browser - Documents does not apply to the current environment, and will not be executed
20:35:05 Verbose | Step 31: Increment Version number in Octopus does not apply to the current environment, and will not be executed
20:35:05 Verbose | Step 32: New docs, folders does not apply to the current environment, and will not be executed
20:35:05 Verbose | Guided failure is not enabled for this task
20:35:29 Fatal | The deployment failed because one or more steps failed. Please see the deployment log for details.
| == Success: Acquire packages ==
20:35:05 Info | Acquiring packages
20:35:05 Info | Making a list of packages to acquire
20:35:05 Verbose | No packages are required on any deployment targets
20:35:05 Verbose | Acquire WebProject.1.0.2931 on Octopus Server
20:35:05 Verbose | Checking package cache for package WebProject v1.0.2931
20:35:05 Info | Downloading WebProject v1.0.2931 to package cache…
20:35:05 Verbose | Downloading WebProject v1.0.2931 from NuGet feed ‘TeamCity Packages’ using cache policy UseCache…
20:35:05 Verbose | Downloading package (attempt 1 of 5)
20:35:13 Verbose | Downloaded WebProject v1.0.2931 (54.585 MB) to ‘C:\Octopus\OctopusServer\PackageCache\feeds-teamcity-packages\WebProject@S1.0.2931@C2091B14F58423449F416E179E0CADBD.nupkg’ with SHA1 197298838dbf341028e05443bf1bad7453db32a5.
20:35:13 Info | Downloaded WebProject v1.0.2931 (54.585 MB) with SHA1 197298838dbf341028e05443bf1bad7453db32a5.
20:35:14 Info | All packages have been acquired
20:35:14 Verbose | Acquire Packages completed
| Success: Octopus Server
| Success: Download package WebProject v1.0.2931 from NuGet feed ‘TeamCity Packages’
20:35:13 Info | Successfully downloaded WebProject 1.0.2931 (54.585 MB)
20:35:13 Verbose | Stored package in C:\Octopus\OctopusServer\PackageCache\feeds-teamcity-packages\WebProject@S1.0.2931@C2091B14F58423449F416E179E0CADBD.nupkg
| == Failed: Step 16: Deploy WebApp WebProject Test Subscription ==
20:35:29 Fatal | The step failed: Activity Deploy WebApp WebProject Test Subscription on the Octopus Server failed with error ‘The remote script failed with exit code 100’.
20:35:29 Verbose | Deploy WebApp WebProject Test Subscription completed
| Failed: Octopus Server
20:35:14 Verbose | Octopus Server version: 2018.9.17+Branch.master.Sha.9e332cbb3a61d59f7f14c94196e6c4ed481b10a3
20:35:14 Verbose | Environment Information:
| OperatingSystem: Microsoft Windows NT 6.3.9600.0
| OsBitVersion: x64
| Is64BitProcess: True
| MachineName: CIDEPLOY
| ProcessorCount: 2
| CurrentDirectory: C:\Windows\system32
| TempDirectory: C:\Windows\TEMP
| HostProcessName: Octopus.Server
| PID: 4648
20:35:14 Verbose | Executing Deploy WebApp WebProject Test Subscription (type Deploy an Azure Web App) on Octopus Server
20:35:14 Verbose | Using account ID ‘azuresubscription-test-azure-subscription’
20:35:14 Verbose | Using Calamari.Cloud 4.10.0
20:35:14 Verbose | Using Octopus.Dependencies.AzureCmdlets 6.8.1
20:35:14 Verbose | Using Octopus.Dependencies.AzureCLI 2.0.45
20:35:14 Verbose | Running this script in the Octopus Server security context (NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM)
20:35:14 Verbose | Starting C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowershell\v1.0\PowerShell.exe in working directory ‘C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6’ using ‘OEM United States’ encoding running as ‘NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM’ with the same environment variables as the launching process
20:35:15 Verbose | Octopus Deploy: Calamari version 4.10.0
20:35:15 Verbose | Environment Information:
20:35:15 Verbose | OperatingSystem: Microsoft Windows NT 6.3.9600.0
20:35:15 Verbose | OsBitVersion: x64
20:35:15 Verbose | Is64BitProcess: True
20:35:15 Verbose | CurrentUser: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
20:35:15 Verbose | MachineName: CIDEPLOY
20:35:15 Verbose | ProcessorCount: 2
20:35:15 Verbose | CurrentDirectory: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6
20:35:15 Verbose | TempDirectory: C:\Windows\TEMP
20:35:15 Verbose | HostProcessName: Calamari
20:35:15 Info | Deploying package: C:\Octopus\OctopusServer\PackageCache\feeds-teamcity-packages\WebProject@S1.0.2931@C2091B14F58423449F416E179E0CADBD.nupkg
20:35:15 Verbose | Extracting package to: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging
20:35:23 Verbose | Extracted 1762 files
20:35:23 Info | Transforming ‘C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\Web.config’ using ‘C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\Web.DevelopmentTesting.config’.
20:35:23 Verbose | Warning will be elevated to errors. Prevent this by adding the variable Octopus.Action.Package.TreatConfigTransformationWarningsAsErrors and setting it to false.
20:35:23 Verbose | Executing SetAttributes (transform line 11, 7)
20:35:23 Verbose | on /configuration/connectionStrings/add[@name=‘conClinisafeSQL’]
20:35:23 Verbose | Applying to ‘add’ element (source line 42, 6)
20:35:23 Verbose | Set ‘name’ attribute
20:35:23 Verbose | Set ‘connectionString’ attribute
20:35:23 Verbose | Set 2 attributes
20:35:23 Verbose | Done executing SetAttributes
20:35:23 Verbose | Executing Replace (transform line 17, 53)
20:35:23 Verbose | on /configuration/appSettings/add[@key=‘SiteName’]
20:35:23 Verbose | Applying to ‘add’ element (source line 131, 6)
20:35:23 Verbose | Replaced ‘add’ element
20:35:23 Verbose | Done executing Replace
20:35:23 Verbose | Executing Replace (transform line 23, 80)
20:35:23 Verbose | on /configuration/appSettings/add[@key=‘SiteURL’]
20:35:23 Verbose | Applying to ‘add’ element (source line 132, 6)
20:35:23 Verbose | Replaced ‘add’ element
20:35:23 Verbose | Done executing Replace
20:35:23 Verbose | Executing Replace (transform line 29, 78)
20:35:23 Verbose | on /configuration/appSettings/add[@key=‘SiteFromEmail’]
20:35:23 Verbose | Applying to ‘add’ element (source line 133, 6)
20:35:23 Verbose | Replaced ‘add’ element
20:35:23 Verbose | Done executing Replace
20:35:23 Verbose | Executing Replace (transform line 35, 79)
20:35:23 Verbose | on /configuration/appSettings/add[@key=‘AppInsightInstKey’]
20:35:23 Verbose | Applying to ‘add’ element (source line 135, 6)
20:35:23 Verbose | Replaced ‘add’ element
20:35:23 Verbose | Done executing Replace
20:35:23 Verbose | Executing Replace (transform line 41, 55)
20:35:23 Verbose | on /configuration/appSettings/add[@key=‘EVOPDFConverterIP’]
20:35:23 Verbose | Applying to ‘add’ element (source line 136, 6)
20:35:23 Verbose | Replaced ‘add’ element
20:35:23 Verbose | Done executing Replace
20:35:23 Verbose | Executing Replace (transform line 45, 50)
20:35:23 Verbose | on /configuration/appSettings/add[@key=‘EVOPDFConverterPort’]
20:35:23 Verbose | Applying to ‘add’ element (source line 137, 6)
20:35:23 Verbose | Replaced ‘add’ element
20:35:23 Verbose | Done executing Replace
20:35:23 Verbose | Executing Replace (transform line 51, 90)
20:35:23 Verbose | on /configuration/appSettings/add[@key=‘SendGridUserName’]
20:35:23 Verbose | Applying to ‘add’ element (source line 138, 6)
20:35:23 Verbose | Replaced ‘add’ element
20:35:23 Verbose | Done executing Replace
20:35:23 Verbose | Executing Replace (transform line 55, 57)
20:35:23 Verbose | on /configuration/appSettings/add[@key=‘SendGridPassword’]
20:35:23 Verbose | Applying to ‘add’ element (source line 139, 6)
20:35:23 Verbose | Replaced ‘add’ element
20:35:23 Verbose | Done executing Replace
20:35:23 Verbose | Executing Replace (transform line 61, 47)
20:35:23 Verbose | on /configuration/appSettings/add[@key=‘ValidatorVerbose’]
20:35:23 Verbose | Applying to ‘add’ element (source line 141, 6)
20:35:23 Verbose | Replaced ‘add’ element
20:35:23 Verbose | Done executing Replace
20:35:23 Verbose | Executing SetAttributes (transform line 71, 9)
20:35:23 Verbose | on /configuration/system.web/compilation
20:35:23 Verbose | Applying to ‘compilation’ element (source line 63, 6)
20:35:23 Verbose | Set ‘debug’ attribute
20:35:23 Verbose | Set 1 attributes
20:35:23 Verbose | Done executing SetAttributes
20:35:23 Verbose | Executing SetAttributes (transform line 78, 9)
20:35:23 Verbose | on /configuration/system.web/customErrors
20:35:23 Verbose | Applying to ‘customErrors’ element (source line 56, 6)
20:35:23 Verbose | Set ‘mode’ attribute
20:35:23 Verbose | Set 1 attributes
20:35:23 Verbose | Done executing SetAttributes
20:35:23 Verbose | Executing Replace (transform line 82, 19)
20:35:23 Verbose | on /configuration/system.web/sessionState
20:35:23 Verbose | Applying to ‘sessionState’ element (source line 112, 6)
20:35:23 Verbose | Replaced ‘sessionState’ element
20:35:23 Verbose | Done executing Replace
20:35:23 Verbose | Looking for appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings in any .config files
20:35:23 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\ApplicationInsights.config
20:35:23 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\Bundle.config
20:35:23 Info | Updating appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\Web.config
20:35:23 Verbose | Setting ‘OctopusReleaseNumber’ = ‘2.118.356’
20:35:23 Verbose | File ‘C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\Web.DevelopmentTesting.config’ was interpreted as an XML configuration transform; variable substitution won’t be attempted.
20:35:24 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\Web.DrugTesting.config
20:35:24 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\Web.FunctionalTesting.config
20:35:24 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\Web.GAMPTesting.config
20:35:24 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\Web.Production.config
20:35:24 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\Web.SalesTesting.config
20:35:24 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\Web.Staging.config
20:35:24 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\Account\Web.config
20:35:24 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\Accountant\web.config
20:35:24 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\AllUsers\web.config
20:35:24 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\bin\ApplicationInsights.config
20:35:24 Info | Updating appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\bin\WebProject.dll.config
20:35:24 Verbose | Setting ‘OctopusReleaseNumber’ = ‘2.118.356’
20:35:24 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\DrugManager\web.config
20:35:24 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\Error\Web.config
20:35:24 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\HelpDeskUser\web.config
20:35:24 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\IRPInvitations\Web.config
20:35:24 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\IRPUser\web.config
20:35:24 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\IRPUser\DRBD\web.config
20:35:24 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\IRPUser\EUD\web.config
20:35:24 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\IRPUser\ExploreDrugsD\web.config
20:35:24 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\IRPUser\IRPUserD\web.config
20:35:24 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\IRPUser\LHD\web.config
20:35:24 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\IRPUser\Licence\web.config
20:35:24 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\IRPUser\RepD\web.config
20:35:24 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\IRPUser\Root\web.config
20:35:24 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\IRPUser\StudyBD\web.config
20:35:24 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\IRPUser\Team\web.config
20:35:24 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\IRPUser\Translation\web.config
20:35:24 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\IRPUser\WizardD\web.config
20:35:24 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\Learning\web.config
20:35:24 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\Login\Web.config
20:35:24 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\LoginProblem\Web.config
20:35:24 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\Master\web.config
20:35:24 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\MissingDrug\web.config
20:35:24 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\MobilePatient\web.config
20:35:24 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\PatientCode\web.config
20:35:25 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\PublicHelp\Web.config
20:35:25 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\RSDRF\Web.config
20:35:25 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\SharedPages\web.config
20:35:25 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\Technician\web.config
20:35:25 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6\staging\WebServices\Web.config
20:35:25 Info | Deploying to Azure WebApp ‘CliniSafe-WebApp-DevelopmentTesting’, using subscription-id ‘06349e37-4d58-4afc-8ef7-d0a56278e790’
20:35:25 Verbose | Service Management endpoint is
20:35:25 Verbose | Retrieving publishing profile for CliniSafe-WebApp-DevelopmentTesting
20:35:26 Error | Hyak.Common.CloudException: Request to a downlevel service failed.
20:35:26 Error | at Microsoft.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
20:35:26 Error | at Microsoft.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccess(Task task)
20:35:26 Error | at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.WebSites.WebSpaceOperationsExtensions.List(IWebSpaceOperations operations)
20:35:26 Error | at Calamari.Azure.Integration.Websites.Publishing.ServiceManagementPublishProfileProvider.GetPublishProperties(AzureAccount account, AzureTargetSite targetSite)
20:35:26 Error | at Calamari.Azure.Deployment.Conventions.AzureWebAppConvention.GetPublishProfile(VariableDictionary variables)
20:35:26 Error | at Calamari.Azure.Deployment.Conventions.AzureWebAppConvention.Install(RunningDeployment deployment)
20:35:26 Error | at Calamari.Deployment.ConventionProcessor.RunInstallConventions()
20:35:26 Error | at Calamari.Deployment.ConventionProcessor.RunConventions()
20:35:26 Error | Running rollback conventions…
20:35:26 Error | Request to a downlevel service failed.
20:35:26 Error | Hyak.Common.CloudException
20:35:26 Error | at Microsoft.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
20:35:26 Error | at Microsoft.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccess(Task task)
20:35:26 Error | at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.WebSites.WebSpaceOperationsExtensions.List(IWebSpaceOperations operations)
20:35:26 Error | at Calamari.Azure.Integration.Websites.Publishing.ServiceManagementPublishProfileProvider.GetPublishProperties(AzureAccount account, AzureTargetSite targetSite)
20:35:26 Error | at Calamari.Azure.Deployment.Conventions.AzureWebAppConvention.GetPublishProfile(VariableDictionary variables)
20:35:26 Error | at Calamari.Azure.Deployment.Conventions.AzureWebAppConvention.Install(RunningDeployment deployment)
20:35:26 Error | at Calamari.Deployment.ConventionProcessor.RunInstallConventions()
20:35:26 Error | at Calamari.Deployment.ConventionProcessor.RunConventions()
20:35:26 Error | at Calamari.Azure.Commands.DeployAzureWebCommand.Execute(String[] commandLineArguments)
20:35:26 Error | at Calamari.Program.Execute(String[] args)
20:35:26 Verbose | Process C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowershell\v1.0\PowerShell.exe in C:\Octopus\Work\20181218203514-34369-6 exited with code 100
20:35:29 Verbose | Updating manifest with output variables
20:35:29 Verbose | Updating manifest with action evaluated variables
20:35:29 Fatal | The remote script failed with exit code 100
20:35:29 Fatal | The action Deploy WebApp WebProject Test Subscription on the Octopus Server failed

Hi Andy,

We have gotten several reports in today about Azure deployments stopping working. From the looks of it Azure has either disabled or further depreciated the Service Management APIs. In March of this year, they announced they will be doing this:

In looking at your log I see these lines:

This makes me think you are using management certificates to authenticate with Azure, which uses the Service Management API, which looks to be the cause.

You can tell if you are using management certificates by going to infrastructure -> account and then clicking on the account you are using. If it looks like this then you are using management certs.

If it looks like this then you are using service principal.

If you are using management certs you will need to switch over to a service principal account. Here are some instructions on how to create a service principal account.

I hope that helps!

Thank you for your suggestion, but the images that your shared isn’t visible,
will you please update or repost again?
thank you