Can we use Azure Blob as Custom Package Feed location

Hi Team,

Our Octopus server is in on-premises network and our applications are in Azure VMs.

We are using Octopus server built in package feed to get the build package(.zip) to create the release, in this process some times we are facing some network issues between Octopus server and Azure network due to this deployments are failing. We want push the build package from Bamboo to Azure Blob then we want to take that .zip package from Azure blob to create release and substitute the variables through Octopus and deploy to Azure VMs.

Please let us know if it is possible or is there any other way to do this exact workflow.


Hi @satishy,

Thanks for getting in touch!

Unfortunately while you can connect an Azure BLOB via SMB to your Octopus Server, BLOB storage doesn’t allow for folder structures so can’t be used as a NuGet feed for Octopus.

As an alternative you should be able to use Azure Files, either as a HTTPS share or as an SMB share which can then be added to Octopus as a NuGet feed.

Another alternative which may be viable would be to run your Octopus instance on a VM in Azure, however I’m not sure of your security policies around making this a viable option.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can assist with,


Hi Alex,

Can you explain above Azure file a bit.

I was using teamcity azure artifact plugin, to push nuget package in azure storage blob, but not able to access those from octopus feeds.

How can I use azure files ?

Neha Oberoi

Hi Neha,

Hopefully, I can help you with this.

To get Azure files working with Octopus, you would first need to set up an HTTP share or SMB share on your machine, to do this Azure has a step-by-step guide,

Once you have completed, the guide above you will end up with a network drive such as:


Once this has been completed, you will be able to connect this drive to your Nuget feed in Octopus.

I hope this has helped.

If there’s anything else I can do for you, please let me know.

Kind regards,