Release showing as success but steps showing as not run

Hey @mikepower79,

Thanks for those logs, it does look like they are full logs and the steps that are supposed to run are showing as successful, which does seem to point to the shared storage issue I mentioned.

I did also find this forum post you put up which is the same issue and Justin mentioned shared storage and also this post here which was shared storage related and Justin gave you some tips as to how to pinpoint what the issue was, if you have not followed those already that would be a good start to the troubleshooting process.

I also noticed you put in another request which looks shared storage related so I would definitely take a look at your shared storage and see if the metrics are on par with how they are supposed to look.

Let me know if they look ok but the faults you are putting in at the moment all seem to point to a shared storage issue I am afraid.

Kind Regards,

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