Feature Request: please add support for modern archivers to Calarmari/Octopus

Currently only ZIP & GZ are supported, the latter badly (no symlinks, removal of execute permissions, etc, gzip is utterly ancient and been replaced by more modern compressors). Please correctly support modern compessors such as bz2, lzma, xz and 7z. Moreover please ensure that symlinks, permissions etc are correctly supported as per the *nix tools. Thank you.

Note a previous variant of this request: Add Deflate64 support to Calamari Deploy implementation of SharpCompress

Good afternoon @jason.mcguiness,

Thank you for contacting Octopus Support and great feature request, we do have a place for these which our engineers look at as they dont look at the forums unless there is a customer fault or bug we need to point them to.

If you would like to raise a feature request we have a button to ‘Submit an Idea’ on the top right hand side of our Roadmap page.

If you could pop your feature request in there our engineers will be notified and can take a look.

Let me know if you need anything else as we are always on hand to help,
Kind Regards,

I tried to add a suggestion there, but after clicking on the ¨verify email"link it emailed me, I can no longer find the suggestion I made! Where has it gone?!

Hey @jason.mcguiness,

We have had a few customers mention they see the same thing but I have asked our engineers and they did say they could see the request so I imagine it has gone through.

To be sure I will post this in our Features channel on Slack and confirm someone can see it, I will get back to you and let you know if they can.

Reach out in the meantime if you have any other questions,
Kind Regards,

Hey @jason.mcguiness,

Sorry it has taken awhile to get back to you, I dropped the ball on this one and a discussion this morning triggered I needed to reply to you.

Our engineers did get your suggestion and have added it to their list to look at so hopefully that alleviates any issues you had with if your suggestion was received or not.

They are looking into ways to improve that ‘Submit an Idea’ link and are thinking of implementing some kind of feedback to let our customers know their idea was actually submitted and we received it.

Keep an eye out on that roadmap page as that is where we post up all our feature plans or ones under consideration and reach out in future if you need anything else as we are always on hand to help!

Kind Regards,

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