Dashboard very slow due to number of projects

we currently have 251 octopus deploy projects and 4 environments. When going to the dashboard page, it can take 45s to a minute to get control back. I didnt see too many other posts of this nature, but thought i’d bring it up for discussion in case others had this same issue. In our case we are grouping projects together using the project group functionality that was recently added. i think that some of the slowness could be addressed if you load the details for each project upon demand, so maybe have the default view of the page have project groups collapsed, and then when someone expands a group, it would then make a call to get all the projects in the group and the last deployment info as it does now. i could see this same mentality on the project page too where project groups would be collapsed by default and users could click on a project group to show all the porjects in that group.

Hi Kirk,

Thanks a lot for letting me know. I’ll see what we can do to improve the performance of that page. Would the ability to customize the dashboard (to hide many of those projects) per person be a good solution?


hiding projects or even groups per person would probably be a nice feature anyways.

I am running into similar,

I find the Variables page to be slow with around 50 environments when sorting or clicking the ‘Edit Variables’ links,

@Paul Is there any update on this? I’m just getting started but I’m really going to want the hide projects per user feature.


In Octopus 2.0 we’ll be making the entire dashboard customizable per user. They’ll be able to choose which projects/environments to include.


HI Paul,

In Octopus v1.0 (haven’t used v2.0)
Our variables page is very large and cumbersome, we have 4 environments to setup the variables Dev > SIT > UAT > Prod.

I understand in V2.0 you can have shared variables which is great, but has the
extremely slowness of the page when many variables included been fixed?

Is there now an import function? (E.G. Import variables from a CSV).



Hi Dan,

There’s not yet an import function in 2.0.

We hope the performance of the page will be much better than it was in 1.6. How much of this you see depends heavily on browser version in use etc.

We provide trial licenses to 2.0; if you have a moment to test, the best way to check is to install a 2.0 trial, create a dummy project, and add your variables in to the variables screen. It would be great to hear if there’s a big improvement for you!

Library variable sets should also alleviate this, as you mentioned.

Hope this helps,

Hi Nick,

Thanks for the speedy response.

Is there more detailed examples around using the API? Could we build an import function ourselves for variables, using one of the methods?

If so, which one?



Hi Dan,

http://docs.octopusdeploy.com/display/OD/Octopus.Client provides the necessary integration points to import variables using C#.

There isn’t currently an example to cover this, but sketching out at a high level:

  1. Get the Project resource via the repository
  2. Use the project’s VariableSetId to get the appropriate variable set resource (there may even be a shortcut method for this)
  3. Populate the variable set then save it via its repository

However if you have an Octopus 1.6 backup handy, you can just use the migration wizard to import that and the variables will be brought in as required. (Don’t import your 1.6 backup on a machine that has network access to the Tentacles though unless you’re actually migrating.)
