Cannot set up an integration with Azure DevOps


I’m unable to perform any actions with Octopus deploy from my Azure DevOps pipelines.

Steps taken:

I created a new service connection and put he following data into the UI:

Server URL:
API key: API-2JEPxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <- redacted for this post, but I’m pasting a full key
Service connection name: Cloud-Eng Octopus

I double checked that the api key is valid (used it with Octopus Terraform provider) and I can confirm that this token is active:

Actual problem:

Now I’m trying to push a build artifact to Octopus. I have the following Pipeline step:

      - job: octopus
          - download: current
            artifact: 'drop'
          - task: OctopusPush@4
              OctoConnectedServiceName: $(octopusConnection)
              Space: '$(octopusSpaces)'
              Package: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/drop/$(Build.BuildId).zip'
              Replace: 'false'    

this task fails with the error:

Octopus Deploy Command Line Tool, version 7.4.4

Detected automation environment: "AzureDevOps"
The API key you provided was not valid. Please double-check your API key and try again. For instructions on finding your API key, please visit:
Exit code: -5

The same problem I observe when trying to configure this step via UI:

Ok, this seems to be related to Impossible to create service endpoint in Azure DevOps

API key that I have is 35 chars long.

Hi Anton,

Thanks for getting in touch!

It definitely does seem to be the same issue as the linked topic.

Our engineers are working on amending our Azure Dev Ops and Jenkins plugins to increase the allowed API key character limit. I can see that pull requests have been created for each of the plugins, so, hopefully, the update for the plugin will be released within the next day or so.

Apologies for the inconvenience this is causing.


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Yay, it got merged in already


Hi Anton,

The new version of the plugin should be available to download now.


I can confirm my issue was resolved.

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