We’re using the cloud hosted version of Octopus. We hadn’t realised that service accounts actually count as users so for a period we had too many “users”. We’re assuming this is the “compliant with your license” aspect of the message that we had gotten wrong?
We’ve now collapsed our two service accounts into a single service account, and just for good measure, we increased our user count on the cloud management portal.
That was this morning. We still can’t do anything with out Octopus instance however because it continues to complain:
Your Octopus Deploy installation is not compliant with your license. You will be prevented from performing certain key activities until this is rectified.
Your Octopus Cloud subscription expired on Wednesday, 12 September 2018 (6 days ago) has not been renewed. You will be prevented from performing key activities, like creating and deploying releases. Please visit Sign in - Octopus Deploy for more information.
There’s nothing more we can see to do on the management portal. How long are we supposed to wait before our instance works again? Or is there something else that we’re supposed to be doing?
Hey Tommy! Sorry to hear about this. From what I can see you currently have 9 users on your Octopus Cloud server and your current license is for 8 users.
I noticed yesterday that you increased your user limit to 9 and then roughly 3 hours later set it back to 8.
You’ll need to either remove a user or increase your user limit to 9.
We upped the user limit to 9 to match the user count, then merged the service accounts and deleted one. After that we moved he user count back down again.
As of this morning the instance details is reporting 8 users now, but we are still unable to do anything due to the license not being renewed event though the instance is showing as licensed.
As Toby said, Chris, we increased the user limit not because we want 9 users (in my mind we only have 7 - I’m not sure service accounts should count, nor I’m assuming does the octoadmin user count) but to see if that would give us access to the instance again. Given the error messages didn’t go away, we returned the user count to 8.
Looks as though there has been some confusion on our end because our internal tooling shows the user count as 9 and the license failing to update due to the license being restricted to 8 users. I have confirmed, like you said, that your Octopus Cloud server is currently configured for 8 users and have pushed through the license update for you so that everything should be operating as per normal.
I sincerely apologise for the inconvenience. Please let me know if there is anything else that I can help you with.
P.S. the octoadmin user does not count towards your user limit .