Consider the following scenario
Variable X with Prompt, Scope = All (not restricted to any)
Variable X without Prompt, Scope =
When I deploy a release to the specific environment I would like to get no prompt messages as Variable X without prompt should take precedence over a more generic one.
See attached example
Thanks for getting in touch with your thoughts on this behaviour.
Ive had a bit of a play around with prompted variables and scoping and did hit upon an issue whereby the value from the scoped variable wasn’t stopping an error from being returned if the unscoped variable was required and empty. Ive added this to a GitHub ticket in case you want to keep an eye on it. As for showing the actual prompt box, we have had some discussions around that and feel that it still seems to be ok to show it there on the deploy screen, so long as it can be overridden with a scoped variable on deployment if available (hence the aforementioned ticket). The problem is that since this screen is before you select an environment, its not immediately clear if you will need to provide a prompted value. The alternative of waiting until you select everything, hit deploy, and then give another screen to fill out seems to be a bit of a jarring experience. Again so long as the rules are followed by the server when the deployment is taking place the UI serves to just guide the user to providing the right information.
Let me know your thoughts on this response, thanks again for your feedback.
Hi Rob,
I’ve subscribed to GitHub issue.
For my scenario I click on: Deploy to and then I still see the unscoped prompts even that I know that is not going to be relevant.
For example:
Does it make sense?

Yep i beleive I understand the UI experience you are referring to. In this case however we will likely still continue to show the unscoped prompts since as I outlined in the GH Ticket and previous reply it is not necessarily definitive that the value will be needed or not until after you select your environments, machines, setps etc that are available on the deploy page. In those cases where you are selecting machines\steps\environments where you know its not needed, the pending bugfix should allow you to just leave the prompt blank, allowing the variable substitution rules to decide if the, potentially required, prompt actually has a value or not.
I hope this makes sense.