I’m trying to use a variable prompt for a deployment process, but something seems not to be working correctly.
- I defined a variable as a prompt and set a default value like ‘C:\deployment\changeme’.
- When I’m running the process, I do see the variable prompt with the default value
- I changed the value to ‘C:\deployment\something-new’
- I tell the process to continue
During the process execution, I open up the task log and, surprisingly, when the process gets to the deployment part, it says that it’s deploying the package to ‘C:\deployment\changeme’, so, the original value and not the one I wrote when prompted.

Hi Goncalo,
I noticed in your email that your variable is scoped to a “web” role, and to an environment. I think the scoping might be an issue - would it be possible for you to:
- Modify the variable and remove the scoping (environment scope might be OK, but the role/machine/step scope might not be)
- Create a new release
- When deploying, see if the prompt works as expected
Hi Paul,
Thank you for your reply. I removed the role as you suggested, updated the
process variables snapshot and deployed again. Everything worked as
expected this time, so the issue was indeed the role. This seems like a bug
though. In this scenario I don’t really need the scope, but I can see other
scenarios where it would be an issue.
Anyway, thank you for your help, my problem is solved!
Best regards,
Gonçalo Oliveira
Technical Lead
T. + 351 214 135 670
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