I have a requirement to upload the contents of a NuGet package to an Azure blob container, where each blob should be prefixed with either rc\
or the the release number.
- If the release number contains ‘rc’, all blobs should be pre-fixed with
- Otherwise, all blobs should be pre-fixed with the release number, e.g.
The uploading of the blobs is fine, and I can define the prefix using a variable, but I’m finding issues when trying to use #{if}
and #{else}
to set the prefix variable. As you can see, I’m attempting to use Conditionals with Complex Syntax in conjunction with the Replace filter
#{if Octopus.Release.Number | Replace "[^a-z]" == "rc"}rc\{#else}#{Octopus.Release.Number}\#{/if}
However, using the above as a variable value results in that value being the blob prefix, meaning all my blobs are prefixed -
- #{if Octopus.Release.Number | Replace “[^a-z]” == “rc”}rc
- {#else}#{Octopus.Release.Number}
- #{/if}
I was wondering if the Extended Syntax wasn’t available to use in variable values, but the docs state -
It’s worth noting that this is now available everywhere whereas previously it was limited to certain scenarios.
Is there something wrong with my declaration, or is the documentation leading me astray?