Using channels for project components


Regarding your answer here to this question:

IS your recomendation to use channels for partial updates? Say we have several services and sites all using a shared API. Mostly we update them all, that way we know they have the correct code and dependencies. But sometimes, a request for only one site is made.¨

I understand that you make a channel per component and then disable all other steps. But how can we distinguish which “component” was updated all we get then is that the project now is in new version from a certain channel. We don’t see the rest of the components and I don’t really see how we could.

It would be really useful to have some kind of master project release. We could set up minimum dependencies between projects and define projects on a tenant making a full release of all those projects, defining version for each.

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Hi Johan,

Thank you for your question. In your example, I’d actually recommend splitting up your project so there is one project per service / site. Then, create a parent project which uses “Deploy a Release” steps to trigger deployments of all the child projects. This way, you retain the ease of deploying all of your services and sites at once, while also being able to deploy any version of a specific project on its own.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if I can assist you further.


I see, seems like I must update Octopus then. I am using v4.1.1. Thanks!

Hi Johan,

Good point! As an alternative, there are community steps for deploying a release before the official step was made available. If for some reason those steps aren’t available for your version, they you can always create a custom step template based on the Run a script step which uses octo.exe to trigger the deployment for you. If you need help setting that up just let me know!


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