For some reason, we have seen some new users being added to octopus by the user system (thus not by any admin which has the rights to do so), but i have no clue how and why.
These users are also being added to the everyone team and then it stays silent.
How can this happen. Which proces can trigger such a thing?
Please advice!
With regards,
Ok, replying to my own question. This happens because a user signs in into Octopus and is automatically assigned to the system with rights to the Everyone group. Sounds logical, but it is pretty inconvenient, since i only want persons in the system that actually have acces to any project.
Can i prevent this from hapening, thus locking out people that haven’t got a user account?
Hi Jeffrey,
Thanks for getting in touch!
Are you using an external authentication provider, such as Active Directory? There is an option within Configuration > Settings > Active Directory to disable Auto User creation which may help you.
I hope this helps, let me know if I can provide any further information.
Hi Paul,
It looks like that did the trick.
With regards,
Hi Jeffrey,
That’s great!
Let us know if you run into any further issues.
Best regards,