Upgrade Tentacle using Hydra loses Service Account

I’m looking to upgrade the 300+ Tentacle servers using the Hydra package. Noticed that the install puts it at local system instead of keeping it with the service account.

Any solutions to this? Otherwise I’ll have to figure out what servers are running on an account and after the upgrade work on fixing that.

Hi Fahim,

Thanks for reaching out. I’m afraid that’s the expected behavior of Hydra. In our documentation page we have a disclaimer about that, where we also provide a cmd line way to set the service account after the connection was re-established with your 3.X server:

http://docs.octopusdeploy.com/display/OD/Upgrade+with+a+new+3.0+server+instance (check point 4)

If your Tentacles have different accounts, then this process will be more difficult for sure.

Sorry for the crappy news.

Best regards,