Upgrade Failed, RDS SQL Server Upgrade Required

Hi, the upgrade from v2019.12.0 LTS to 2020.2.9 failed. We are on-premise. The log is below. We are using SQL Svr Express edition and we are thinking of changing to Std Edition and upgrading the version. What specific Std Edition version do you recommend we upgrade to? The latest?

Once we’ve updated the DB version. Do I re-run the upgrade from the beginning (i.e. execute the MSI)?

Thanks! Bob

Using database connection string from configuration file: data source=octo-dbx-development.cby3ni8twmoi.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com;initial catalog=Octopus;integrated security=False;user id=octoDevDbService;password=********
========== SQL Database Connection Details ========
SQL Server: octo-dbx-development.cby3ni8twmoi.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com
SQL Database: Octopus
Authentication Type: SQL Server Credentials
User: octoDevDbService

Preparing to upgrade the database ‘Octopus’ on SQL Server at ‘octo-dbx-development.cby3ni8twmoi.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com’ to the expected schema running as ‘octoDevDbService’…
Making sure it’s safe to upgrade the database schema…
Ensuring pre-conditions for upgrading the database are satisfied…
Searching for indexes that might upset the database upgrade process…

  • PASS: All columns use the default collation.
  • PASS: Your Octopus Server will be compliant with your license after upgrading.
  • PASS: We’ve done our best to remove any unexpected database indexes.
  • FAIL: The version (13.0.4451) of your SQL Server doesn’t satisfy Octopus Server installation requirements. Octopus Server would not start if we allowed the upgrade to continue. Please upgrade your SQL Server to one of the supported versions listed here: https://g.octopushq.com/SQLServerRequirements.
    Error: One of the pre-conditions to safely upgrade your database has failed, and the upgrade cannot continue.
    Error: - PASS: All columns use the default collation.
    Error: - PASS: Your Octopus Server will be compliant with your license after upgrading.
    Error: - PASS: We’ve done our best to remove any unexpected database indexes.
    Error: - FAIL: The version (13.0.4451) of your SQL Server doesn’t satisfy Octopus Server installation requirements. Octopus Server would not start if we allowed the upgrade to continue. Please upgrade your SQL Server to one of the supported versions listed here: https://g.octopushq.com/SQLServerRequirements.
    Error: Please take the following steps to get your Octopus Server back up and running:
    Error: Step 1: Re-run the installer for the version of Octopus Server you were using just before trying this upgrade. Your data hasn’t been changed and everything will go back to how it was beforehand. This will give you time to solve the problem and try the upgrade again.
    Error: Step 2: Contact support@octopus.com with a copy of your Octopus Server log file so we can help you upgrade successfully.
    Error: The previous command returned a non-zero exit code of: 1
    Error: The command that failed was: “D:\Program Files\Octopus Deploy\Octopus\Octopus.Server.exe” database --instance “OctopusServer” --upgrade

Hi Bob,

Thanks for reaching out. If you are able to upgrade to 2019, that would probably be your best bet as it will be more future-proof going forward than 2017. Yes, Once you’ve upgraded your SQL server, please start the upgrade process from the beginning.

Just in-case you don’t already have it, here is a good resource for upgrading your server: Upgrade Guide

Please let me know if you have any other questions.


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