Update Tentacle URL value remotely

We have a target server at AWS environment which act as a baseline instance. As a process, we deploy build at a temporary EC2 instance and on successful deployment, we create an image (AMI) of that instance and use the same at Jenkins to push at Production Environment.
As our target system public DNS address keep changing and we want to automate this by Jenkins, can we update tentacle URL available under Environment section of Octopus Server by remote command. I have tried with octo command, but I was able to list environment but not update the same.

Looking for any guidance on this.


Thanks for getting in touch! I ran this past the team, we are not entirely sure about your requirements here, perhaps some further explanation would help me provide you with a better answer. So I apologize if I’m misinterpreting your question / requirements.

If you are trying to update the value for your targets URI on the Octopus server, there is no Octo.exe command for this. It will need to be handled with a custom API script. You should be able to achieve this via our Octopus.Client library, below is a link to some script examples which should help here, and a link to our documentation.

However, if this is not what you were trying to achieve, you will need to provide some further explanation of your requirements and what you are after. :slight_smile:

Let me know what you think.

Best regards,