I have a package-based step template running a bash script and I can’t figure out how to pass a parameter to it.
The script expects the parameter to be simply pass with the script, so I pick it up like this:
The step template definition contains (also see pics):
Step->Script Parameters: #{PackageDir}
Parameters: #{PackageDir}
I have no idea if this is the right way to set this up. Some examples in the documentation would be awesome.
In any case, when creating a deployment project based on this, I have a 2-step process where the first step is called “Deploy Package” and simply deploys a nuget package. The second step is my step template, and for the “PackageDir” parameter, it gets:
#{Octopus.Action[Deploy package].Output.Package.DirectoryPath}
I would assume that the directory used in the first step would be passed to the script, but all I’m getting is weird strings such as
I’m unable to see where this comes from.
I’m assuming I’m doing something wrong. How can I wire up things so that the dir from the first step is passed to the second?