We are running version 2018.7.7 and have found an issue in the UI where we cannot create a scheduled trigger if a user account is restricted by what environments it can access. Here is the error we receive in the browser when trying to create the scheduled trigger:
If I remove all the Environments from the Team, the UI opens for the user to create the scheduled trigger. We would like to keep this Team restricted to those Environments, so for a workaround, we are having our administrators create the triggers.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Matt Heinzelman
Automation & Installation Engineer
Thanks for getting in touch! I’m terribly sorry you’re hitting this issue. We greatly appreciate you reporting this and providing that detailed information. I’ve been able to reproduce this behavior both in 2018.7.7 and in latest (2018.7.13) so unfortunately it’s still current. It looks like it’s a problem when the project’s lifecycle includes any environment in which the user doesn’t have access to. I’ve raised this as a bug and you can track its progress here.
I’m sorry again about the inconvenience this has caused. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns moving forward.