I am installing Octopus 3.14.1 x64 via script onto a Windows 2012R2 server.
Initially I run the Octopus install, get the Octopus Manager and then run through the wizard to the last screen and then save the script.
I then add :
This to the beginning of the script
#Install Octopus
Start-Process msiexec.exe -Wait -ArgumentList ‘/I C:\OctopusInstall\Octopus.3.14.1-x64.msi /quiet’.
This to the end of the script
Start “http://localhost:8081/octopus/app”
The installation succeeds and my script opens up a Web browser where it says something along the lines of “getting the database ready”, first time spin up style message and then seems to hang. Refreshing the browser gives me the a Not Found message.
If I uninstall everything and install it all manually with the UI it all works fine. Anyone seen this before?
Here is the script
#Install Octopus
Start-Process msiexec.exe -Wait -ArgumentList ‘/I C:\OctopusInstall\Octopus.3.14.1-x64.msi /quiet’
cd ‘C:\Program Files\Octopus Deploy\Octopus’
.\Octopus.Server.exe create-instance --instance “OctopusServer” --config “C:\Octopus\OctopusServer.config”
.\Octopus.Server.exe database --instance “OctopusServer” --connectionString “Data Source=xxxxxxr\SQL2012;Initial Catalog=DB_Octopus;Integrated Security=True” --create
.\Octopus.Server.exe configure --instance “OctopusServer” --upgradeCheck “False” --upgradeCheckWithStatistics “False” --webAuthenticationMode “Domain” --webForceSSL “False” --webListenPrefixes “http://localhost:8081/” --commsListenPort “10943” --serverNodeName “xxxxxxxx”
.\Octopus.Server.exe service --instance “OctopusServer” --stop
.\Octopus.Server.exe admin --instance “OctopusServer” --username “xxxxxxxxxL” --email “xxxxxxxxx”
.\Octopus.Server.exe license --instance “OctopusServer” --licenseBase64 “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”
.\Octopus.Server.exe service --instance “OctopusServer” --install --reconfigure --start --username “Domain\xxxx” --password “xxxxxxxxxxx”
Start “http://localhost:8081/octopus/app”