The requested operation could not be completed due to a file system limitation

I am getting an error in the Set_Common_Variables step:
The requested operation could not be completed due to a file system limitation.

Do you know what this error message means? I thought it may be a space issue on the worker server, but dont think it is.

Kind Regards,
Micheal Power

Hi @mikepower79,

Thanks for reaching out!

I’ve not seen this error appear myself, usually if a file system limitation error is referring to space or file name length it is explicit about what it means.

Would you be able to provide the raw task log and, if possible, an overview of what that Set_Common_Variables step is doing, if it’s a script step then the source of the script may be helpful.

Feel free to upload these items to the following url: Support Files.

Once you’re able to provide the above, we can further investigate and hopefully resolve the issue.

Kind Regards,

Hi @adam.hollow,
Thanks for your reply.
I have uploaded the Raw Log and the Set Common Variables step runs a Powershell script to set variables.
Both files uploaded.

Kind Regards,
Micheal Power

Hi Mike,

Thanks for sending over those files, I’ll have a look at them and see if I can spot anything that appears odd.

I did have a look around and found some references to that error message when a disk required defragmentation, but I’m not certain this is the solution to your issue.

Another possibility could be that the disk has NTFS File System File Compression enabled, which results in some strange behaviour, is this something you could check?

Have you tried creating a separate “test” project that performs a different action, even just a package transfer, to the same machine? Do you still get the same error?

I’ll have a look around the files you’ve sent over in the meantime to see if I can correlate anything to the error message but I’m afraid that this may be more to do with drive configuration/state than anything incorrectly configured in your Octopus project.

Kind Regards,

Hi @adam.hollow,
Its a server issue, on which the Target is hosted, thanks for your help.

Kind Regards,
Micheál Power

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