The problem I am having is that we are currently migrating our projects from one server to another to move development in-house.
When I go to import the .json file using octo.exe, I get the exception:
“Handshake successful. Octopus version: 3.3.24; API version: 3.0.0
Authenticated as: pdsadmin <>
Finding importer 'project’
Validating the import
Export file successfully loaded
Checking that lifecycle PDS - CCMS - Lifecycle exists
Lifecycle PDS - CCMS - Lifecycle does not exist, default lifecycle will be used instead
Found lifecycle 'Default Lifecycle’
Checking that all environments exist
Checking that all machines exist
Checking that all NuGet Feeds exist
Checking that all Action Templates exist
Checking that all Library Variable Sets exist
Checking that the Project Group exist
Chekcing that all channel lifecycles exist
No validation errors found. Project is ready to import.
Beginning the import
Beginning import of project 'PDS.CcMS’
Importing Project
Project does not exist, a new project will be created
Importing the channels for the project
Channel already exists, channel will be updated with new settings
Importing the Projects Deployment Process
Updating ID of NuGet Feed
Updating IDs of Environments
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2.get_Item(TKey key) at Octopus.Cli.Importers.ProjectImporter.ImportDeploymentProcess(DeploymentProcessResource deploymentProcess, ProjectResource importedProject, IDictionary
2 environments, IDictionary2 nugetFeeds, IDictionary
2 actionTemplates, IDictionary2 channels) at Octopus.Cli.Importers.ProjectImporter.Import(Dictionary
2 paramDictionary)
at Octopus.Cli.Importers.BaseImporter.Import(String[] parameters)
at Octopus.Cli.Commands.ImportCommand.Execute()
at Octopus.Cli.Commands.ApiCommand.Execute(String[] commandLineArguments)
at Octopus.Cli.Program.Main(String[] args)
Exit code: -3”
I have edited the .json file and so all the variables reference the correct environment and machine. I thought this would solve the problem but apparently not. I should also point out that the server that the project was exported from was using v3.3.0 whereas the server we’re trying to import to is using v3.3.24. I can’t find any documentation on what could be causing this error, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Cale Banfield