TFS Build Error - "<BuildPath>\packages\OctoPack.1.0.94\targets\OctoPack.targets" was not found


I am trying to build my Octopus-deployed project. I have built a package as described at, checked in my code, and setup a build agent in TFS to build the project upon each checkin.

When I queue up a build in TFS, I get the following error…

C:\buildwork\ZFPBuild\Sources\Trunk\Documents\iMagio2 SDK\Lookups\LookupProviders\RestLookupProvider\RestLookupProvider.csproj (243): The imported project "C:\buildwork\ZFPBuild\Sources\Trunk\Documents\iMagio2 SDK\Lookups\LookupProviders\packages\OctoPack.1.0.94\targets\OctoPack.targets" was not found. Confirm that the path in the <Import> declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk.

I found a similar issue with TeamCity at, but didn’t quite understand the issue. Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


Is it possible that the OctoPack.targets file has not been checked into source control?


From: racingcow
Sent: 04/05/2012 00:41
To: Paul Stovell
Subject: TFS Build Error - “\packages\OctoPack.1.0.94\targets\OctoPack.targets” was not found. [Problems]

Yep, that is exactly what it was. Thanks for the help. I wish NuGet was a little more source control friendly.