while doing deploy to a package step, the tentacle is unable to invoke calamari due to this, it is not unpacking the nugget package. We don’t see any logs related to this, Please help me how to resolve this.
Calamari version : 4.10.0
while doing deploy to a package step, the tentacle is unable to invoke calamari due to this, it is not unpacking the nugget package. We don’t see any logs related to this, Please help me how to resolve this.
Calamari version : 4.10.0
Hi Harish,
Thanks for getting in touch! I’m very sorry to hear you’re hitting an unexpected issue here. That certainly doesn’t look very fun. To help us troubleshoot what could be causing this, can you send us through the raw task log from this deployment? The following doc page outlines how you can download this log file.
Feel free to mark this thread as private or email us at support@octopus.com to ensure privacy of your log file contents.
I look forward to hearing back and getting to the bottom of this one!
Best regards,
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