Tasks stuck in "Cancelling" status

Hello, We have a hosted instance (https://visiontrax-prod.octopus.app/) of octopus where 4 tasks are stuck in the canceling status. I’ve restarted the tentacles, but that has not resolved the issue. Please help.

Hi Doug,

We think we have found the issue and are rolling out an update so it stops occurring. I will need to restart your instance to clear those tasks however.

The update will roll out to your instance in about 7 hours (which is your outage window). I can do it right now if you want, it will involve about 15-30 minutes downtime. Otherwise I can just restart the server now (1 minute downtime), the downside being tasks may get stuck again. Either option will stop any running tasks.

The alternative, if a restart is not desired as there are tasks still legitimately deploying, I can increase the task limit for now (but that won’t unblock the hung task).

Let me know which option best suits you.

Hi Robert,

Please update/restart it now. We need to deploy an application tonight.

Ok, the upgrade is starting


Your instance has been upgraded and is available for use


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