System.AggregateException: A child activity failed. ---> System.AggregateException: A child activity

I’m facing the following problem since I’ve upgraded to the latest version :
2012-01-11 16:29:59 ERROR System.AggregateException: A child activity failed. —> System.AggregateException: A child activity failed. —> System.AggregateException: One or more child activities failed —> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Octopus.Server.Tasks.Deploy.DeployPackageToTentacleActivity.GatherVariables() in c:\BuildAgent\work\93ea602cb1d1c3f2\source\Octopus.Server\Tasks\Deploy\DeployPackageToTentacleActivity.cs:line 56
at Octopus.Server.Tasks.Deploy.DeployPackageToTentacleActivity.Execute() in c:\BuildAgent\work\93ea602cb1d1c3f2\source\Octopus.Server\Tasks\Deploy\DeployPackageToTentacleActivity.cs:line 32
at Octopus.Shared.Activities.ActivityRuntime.RunTaskOnBackgroundThread(Object arguments) in c:\BuildAgent\work\93ea602cb1d1c3f2\source\Octopus.Shared\Activities\ActivityRuntime.cs:line 115

my package only contains a Deploy.ps1 file. It used to work before but no longer since the last version.

Any idea?
I’ve attached the complete log

octopusbug.txt (21 KB)


Can you please try this release?

That line attempts to load the Deployment.Task, which is what is throwing a null reference. It looks like this might be down to a race condition. I’ve changed it to eager load and that should eliminate the problem, but let me know if it doesn’t have any effect.


Hi Paul,

At first glance it seems to work.
For info, I had to trick my deployment by specifying as many step as target machine.
But now it is working with one step and many machines.
