Specifing target Space when using NuGet.exe push


I started a topic a few months back about publishing packages to all (or multiple) Spaces at once. The answer was simple: it doesn’t make sense. And I agree. Pushing packages using NuGet.exe to all Spaces (or multiple at once)

I understand that OctoPacka and Octo.exe can do this - specify the target Space - but how can we accomplish the same using NuGet.exe push? Unfortunately, we are currently restricted to using NuGet.exe.

There doesn’t seem documentation explaining this.


Hi Jesse,

Thanks for getting in touch! I’m sorry for the delay in getting back to you here.

Pushing the package to a certain space via NuGet.exe push is as simple as putting the space-ID in the URL for the source.

For example:

nuget.exe push myPackage.1.0.1.nupkg -ApiKey API-KEY -Source http://OctopusServer/Spaces-22/nuget/packages

The Spaces-ID can be found in your URL when browsing the Octopus portal on any but the default space. (Leaving the space blank will push to the default space)

Example URL while on dashboard:

Does this help?

Let me know if you have any further questions here.

Best regards,

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Thanks perfect!

Thanks Daniel.

Hi Jesse,

No worries at all! Happy to help. :slight_smile:

Don’t hesitate to get in touch at any time.

Best regards,

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