Is there anyway to skip deployment targets? When we make a change to the process, Octopus forces us to create a new release and begin the deployment process at the beginning of the environment chain. This is quite painful when the step we are failing only is applicable to the 4th and 5th environments in the chain. This makes doing a simple change cost prohibitive.
Hi @jfolland,
Thanks for reaching out and Welcome to the Octopus Deploy forum. Sorry to hear that updating your deployment process and redeploying is not functionally efficient for you.
There are a couple of ways to make this process smoother. To start with, If the Deployment process changes, you’re making happen to be Variable related you’re in luck. Variables can be changed and the Variable Snapshot updated in a release without recreating the release. Unfortunately, but for a good reason, Variables are the only component in the deployment process that can be updated without recreating the release.
Channels is the feature most likely to help you in this scenario along with the Lifecycle it’s tied.
The Lifecycle is not set during release, nor is it a part of the snapshot. If you wish you can even change the Lifecycle during the middle of a release because they globally identify where you are going to deploy the release.
Channels themselves are vital in managing different release strategies. For example, if I have a Lifecycle that deploys to Dev -> Test -> Prod
, my releases will happily be deploy to each environment in order, with no need for Channels, but if the release to Prod
breaks and I can’t wait to push to Dev and Test, I could create a Hotfix Channel
with only the Prod
environment. Then I could quickly deploy Hotfixes or Process changes in the case of an emergency.
Channels allow you to dynamically change the deployment logic and lifecycle of a project based on the version being deployed.
Channels allow you to dynamically change the deployment logic and lifecycle of a project based on the version being deployed.
I hope this helps and please let me know what you think.
Kind Regards,
That makes perfect sense. I will try that. Thank you.