Skeep Steps in Re-Deploy

When I want Re-Deploy project (Not Create new Release) I don’t like execute again steps running OK
Example :
I have project contains :
Step 1 => running OK
Step 2 => => running KO ( because problem in target machine ex : restarted or login service failed)
Step 3 => Skipped

When I click in Re-Deploy button I want execute only Step 2 and Step 3
Is it possible ?


Hi @yassine.kerkeni,

Depending on what Step 1 is, there is an option in the Project Settings that could skip it.

Toggling this setting will skip deploying packages in steps where the version is already on the target.

If your step you want to skip is not a package step, you have a couple of options.

  1. You could set run conditions on the step based on a variable. You could use a system variable, one you set in the GUI manually, or you could even use API in a script step to set the variable in the project for you. Code you can adapt to do that is here.

  2. You could use a pre-deployment script step to check something on the local worker to confirm the step is skippable(depending on why you’re skipping), then short-circuit the step if the check is true. To short-circuit a step, you can use the Skipping Conventions green box at the bottom of this documenation.

To enable pre-deployment scripts in your step, you click Configure Features within it, then enable Custom Deployment Scripts.

Please let me know if you have any questions or if this will work for you.


Thanks for your response
I found this feature when I clink in Re-Deploy :

It’s working :slight_smile:


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Hi @yassine.kerkeni,

Thank you for the update. I’m glad to hear you got it working!

Have a great weekend.


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