Send mail step does not work when mail address includes dots

At a “send mail step”, I tried to add an e-mail address which includes dots. ie: It throws an exception like

An invalid character was found in the mail header: ‘@’.’.
We have other steps that sends mail to specific mail address or groups. It works nice with mail address without dots. I also tried to add a variable and defining variable to step.

Hi Ahmet,

Thanks for getting in touch! I’ll need to get some more information from you to troubleshoot this issue. Would you be able to attach screenshots of the step you are seeing this? Is the error happening when you save the step or when you deploy. If it is happening when you deploy, would you please be able to attach a full deployment log with variable logging enabled?

Would you also be able to tell me what version of Octopus you are currently using?

Looking forward to hearing from you. :slight_smile:

Best regards,

Hi again,
After some upgrades, our problem solved itself. We didn’t do anything special. Just added email addresses seperating with comma. i.e: ,


Thanks for the update here! I’m glad to hear that this is working for you now!

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any further issues. :slight_smile:

Best regards,