Send Email template

We have an email step that is throwing a warning about not being able to evaluate tokens '#{ServiceBaseName} and #{action.Package.NugetPackageVersion} but we only use one of these two vaiables in the body. Any ideas?

Body below

Deployment of #{Octopus.Project.Name} #{Octopus.Release.Number} to #{Octopus.Environment.Name}

Initiated by #{unless Octopus.Deployment.CreatedBy.DisplayName}#{Octopus.Deployment.CreatedBy.Username}#{/unless} #{if Octopus.Deployment.CreatedBy.DisplayName}#{Octopus.Deployment.CreatedBy.DisplayName}#{/if} #{if Octopus.Deployment.CreatedBy.EmailAddress} (#{Octopus.Deployment.CreatedBy.EmailAddress})#{/if} at #{Octopus.Deployment.Created}

#{if Octopus.Release.Notes}

Release notes



Deployment process

The deployment included the following actions:

    #{each action in Octopus.Action}
  • #{action.Name} #{if action.Package.NuGetPackageId}— #{action.Package.NuGetPackageId} version #{action.Package.NuGetPackageVersion}#{/if}
  • #{/each}

Task summary

    #{each step in Octopus.Step} #{if step.Status.Code}
  1. #{step | HtmlEscape} — #{step.Status.Code} #{if step.Status.Error}
    #{step.Status.Error | HtmlEscape}
    #{step.Status.ErrorDetail | HtmlEscape}
  2. #{/if} #{/each}

View the detailed deployment log.

Hi @Garrick.Dunkley ,

Thanks for getting in touch!

When viewing the deployment Task Log, if you check the top right there will be an option to Download the log. Would you be able to attach the .txt file that generates please?

Best regards,