I’m trying to write a script that will allow us to add a manual intervention step to multiple projects as the first step in the deployment process. I can add the step OK using the Octopus.Client.dll but it appends to the bottom of the deployment process and we need it to be at the top so it runs first. Does anyone have suggestions on how to script out either changing the order of the deployment steps or adding a new step at the beginning of the deployment process?
Hi @moak,
Thanks for getting in touch! When adding steps via the API, whatever order the steps
list is in when posted back to Octopus is the order we will use.
I believe only way to change this is to get the JSON and modify the order of the steps just before you post them back to Octopus. Currently I do not have a script to perform this, though I do not believe it would be too complex.
Does this information help?
If you do get stuck here or need some more information, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
Best regards,
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