Are there any concerns for running tentacle that are newer than the version of octopus? I am currently in an environment with octopus 3.2.17. One of the deployment targets is running the 3.4.14 version of the tentacle. What concerns are there for doing this? Should octopus be brought to 3.4.x before running this version of the tentacle?
In the past, i have usually seen where octopus and the tentacle is kept in sync so that there aren’t version issues if the communication protocol changes. What are some concerns regarding these not being on the same version?
We do our best to ensure there’s compatibility between old server versions and newer tentacles. So, the configuration you’ve outlined should just work. Please let us know if you do have an issue.
So the only real concern is when the octopus server version is greater than the tentacle version?
So when upgrading or installing new tentacles, are there any concerns with installing much later version of the tentacle such as using octopus server 3.2.17 with the most recent tentacle or would it be better to continue trying to keep those on the same or similar versions?
It sounds like it doesn’t matter what version of the tentacle I’m running just what version of octopus server is being run.
At the moment the version gap you’re talking abut should be fine. We do our best to maintain compatibility and at the moment we’re not aware of any issues. The tentacle is just something to help facilitate the connection and to get Calamari logic onto that server and it’s quite stable.
Consider updating when there’s new features that will benefit your process, check the release notes comparison page, for a full list of new features and fixes since your server version: