Run condition always false

In my deployment I am using run condition “Variable: only run when the variable expression is true”
I am using following two conditions on two different steps

#{unless NewInterfaces}#{unless}

No matter what value I put in the prompted variable, everything always evaluates to false.
“variable run condition which was evaluated as false; skipping”

Hi Yatish,

Thanks for getting in touch! It looks like the closing unless doesn’t have the forward slash (/) to close it. I’ve given this some tests and I think the result you’re after can be achieved with the following variable condition. :slight_smile:

#{unless NewInterfaces}True#{/unless}

When providing a value of False for the prompted variable, this evaluates the run condition as true, and runs the step (and vice versa).

I hope this helps get you going! Let me know how you go or if you have any further questions moving forward.

Best regards,



Hi Yatish,

You’re very welcome! Let me know if you have any questions or concerns in the future. :slight_smile:

Best regards,


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