Running the second octo command further below multiple times in succession does not update the publish date in the REST api on successive executions, and instead keeps the original date the package was uploaded.
Octo publish command (note that paths are truncated for obfuscation and brevity):
. C:\Octo.exe push --package C:\Packages\ --replace-existing --server $octoUrl --apiKey $key
I believe this is a defect. If the package is re-uploaded, shouldn’t the publish date change? This causes some problems for us in tracking the package dates in rare situations for comparisons etc.
Thanks for getting in touch! I’m sorry to hear you’ve hit this incorrect behavior. We’ve seen this issue in the past where a re-upload of a package doesn’t update the indexed package data (including published date). You can reference the issue at the following link which was fixed in 2019.4.0.
Are you running a version prior to 2019.4.0, and if so does upgrading fix this bug for you?