Retrieve CommonName from certificate


We’re trying to retrieve the CommonName from our certificates in octopus. It’s disscused in this thread here: Question with certificate variables and their properties
It looks like it has been implemented? But we can’t find any information about how to use it or what version it’s introduced in. We’ve tried these two formats with no luck:

Our current version of Octopus is 2019.3.0 LTS

Hi Calle,

Thanks for getting in touch! I’m very sorry about the confusion we’ve caused here. It looks like this variable was added in 3.17.11 so it’s available in your version. However it’s called certificate.SubjectCommonName, and it looks like we neglected adding it into our docs. I’ve gone ahead and updated the following page to include this. Thank you for pointing this out. :slight_smile:

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns moving forward!

Best regards,


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