Hi, I am looking to implement a web launcher login via another vendor, which will allow users to log in without knowing thier Production passwords.
But, when inspecting the HTML source code of the octopus log in box, there is no HTTP POST and therefore can’t create a web launcher.
Is there another way to launch an Octopus log in box, which does have HTTP POST?
Hi Jay,
Thanks for getting in touch! As you log in to the web portal, you can view the network traffic in your browser’s dev tools, which will show what’s done (shown in the screenshot below, and the same as what is done in our Octopus.Client source code).
I suspect you’re looking for a typical form submission, but that’s not how we do it as we use an API call from the Javascript code. I think if you hit that API you’d end up with the cookie and be logged in if it then bounced you back to the dashboard.
We also have a Building an Authentication Provider documentation page that may provide some additional helpful information.
I hope this helps! Let me know how you go or if you have any questions going forward. 
Best regards,
Thanks Kenny,
Looks like there isn’t any easy way to do this then.
Hi Jay,
You’re quite welcome, though I’m sorry it wasn’t better news. Unfortunately I don’t suspect it would be super easy, though if you have any more questions regarding this, I’ll certainly be happy to help in any way I can. 
Best regards,
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