I am doing the following:
- I have a directory with 5 + json files. each with a unique name, but similar data inside them
- I need to either replace the entire file with another with the values all ready configured in the replacement file or use some type of variable substitution based on the file name.
So for example:
On the source control server I have a directory with several files for the various environments
1. clientJCRL_dev.json
2. clientJCRL_qa.json
3. clientFMS_dev.json
4. cleintFMS_qa.json
5. cleintHybrid_dev.json … etc… etc…
Each file has a json object in them like this but with different values
“ClientName”: “Job Corps Resource Library”,
“ClientId”: “app_jcrl”,
“Flow”: 2, “ClientUri”: “https://identityserver.io”
When the deploy runs, I need to look at the file and then either do use the variable substitution tools based on the name or just replace the entire file with another stored on the source control server based on the environment…
What would be the best approach in octopus to accomplish this?