Releases steps still showing as running when deployments completes

I want to revisit this issue - Release showing as success but steps showing as not run - #27 by clare.martin
We are still getting more of the issue and old release from a few months back are still showing as complete but shows the steps still running.
We have reached out to Azure but they were not very helpful, we also have to top spec storage account in Azure.

Has this issue been raised by an other Octopus users?

Kind Regards,
Micheál Power

Hi @mikepower79,

Thanks for getting in touch!

We haven’t had any reports from other customers with the same issue.
The issue is caused by the Node failing to write to the task at the end to mark it as complete. It can successfully update the database task as complete, which is why the deployment is updated as a whole.
The behaviour does suggest that there are times when the task logs are not available to all of the Nodes, resulting in the failed write during the deployment. Unfortunately, as this is occurring outside of Octopus, we’re a little limited in the advice we can provide.


Hi @paul.calvert,
Thanks for the feedback.

Kind Regards,
Micheál Power

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