Release number not picked up -> had to delete the release


Many times, I end up deleting the release to re-create it when Octopus doesn’t pick up new changes.
Let me explain: I release a package REL number 1.0.0 to DEV ; then make some change to one deployment step (see below); I try re-deploying the same release to DEV ; as Octopus does not pick up my new change then to make it work I delete/re-create the release and deploy to DEV.
Am I missing something or is there a bug ? Thanks.


Example of a change I made to the deployment step:
I changed the custom install directory from #{InstallDriveRoot}\#{Octopus.Project.Name}#{Octopus.Action[Deploy to Shared Drive].Package.NuGetPackageVersion}
to #{InstallDriveRoot}\#{Octopus.Project.Name}#{Octopus.Release.Number}

Hi Olivier,

Thanks for reaching out! When you create a release, it takes a snapshot, which is kind of like a cached version of the info for the release. The reason why it works this way is to clearly differentiate between different versions of your software, and it ensures the release being promoted from one environment to the next is going to be the same. A change that’s done to your project needs to be created as a new release in order to get a new snapshot, and then deploy it as a new release.

In some situations, creating a new release isn’t ideal. What you can do is go to the Releases tab in your Project, and you can import the changed variables in that release’s snapshot (see screenshot). This will apply changes to your release without having to make a new one.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.


Thanks Kenneth, very clear.