Release notes are missing

We have Octopus Server 3.4.12. And we have noticed that we do not see Release Notes for releases and for nuget packages as well. In 3.3 (and before) when new release was created, it fetched release notes for nuget packages, and now it seems to display Description property of packages instead of release notes. Also release notes of packages are not displayed when searching for package.

This change (or bug) become very frustrating for our team. Our operations relyed on this feature when searching for appropriate packages. Is this a bug or a feature? How can we have release notes returned?

Hi Dmitry,

Thanks for getting in touch! Unfortunately this is from NuGet 3.4 library update which you can see here:
The release notes are not being returned as part of the metadata in that version of NuGet. They have confirmed in that issue they will be returning the release notes with 3.6. And when they do we will update to resolve this.
You can read a bit of the history here:
And here is our GitHub issue to update when it is available:


Hi Vanessa, thanks for the answer and links. I’ll subscribe to the GitHub ticket then.