React error when expanding Kuberenets Container section

I’m seeing a React error after expanding the Containers section of a Deploy Kubernetes containers step in a project after it has been modified via the YAML editor.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create a Deploy Kubernetes containers step in a project. Just the bare minimum is needed to reproduce: target role, deployment name, and a simple container.
  2. After saving, verify that the Containers section will expand when clicking on it.
  3. Open the YAML editor via the Edit YAMLEDIT YAML button.
  4. No changes are required, just click DONE.
  5. Click on the Containers section to expand it.

At this point the following React error is thrown:

An unexpected error occurred in Octopus v2021.3.12461: “Error: Minified React error #31; visit[]=object%20with%20keys%20{FeedType%2C%20ApiVersion%2C%20RegistryPath%2C%20FeedUri%2C%20Username%2C%20Password%2C%20Name%2C%20PackageAcquisitionLocationOptions%2C%20SpaceId%2C%20Id%2C%20LastModifiedOn%2C%20LastModifiedBy%2C%20Links}&args[]= for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.”

Octopus Version: v2021.3.12461

Hey @JeffHenson,

Thanks for reaching out and for all of the information.

I believe this is actually a known bug and has been fixed: Valid YAML can be considered invalid in Edit YAML popup on Deploy K8s container step, breaking page with react error · Issue #7363 · OctopusDeploy/Issues · GitHub

Does that look to be the same issue as yours? Would you be able to use the workaround until a version post-fix is considered GA or is this blocking you heavily?

Looking forward to hearing back.


Yup, that looks like the same error. I’ll bookmark that repo this time so I can search there too before posting.

Since deployments are unaffected by this issue we’re not really blocked waiting for a fix. The users who are hitting it are almost exclusively using the Edit YAML functionality so not being able to see the config in the UI is not a big issue.

I’ll keep an eye out for the next release.

Thanks for the quick reply, @jeremy.miller!

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Hey @JeffHenson,

You’re very welcome and thanks for letting me know more context!

Please let us know if you run into any other snags in the future.

I hope you have a great rest of your week.


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