Promoting releases using Octo.exe

I’m trying to using octo.exe to do the deployments. While promoting a release through octopus portal, if there is any mismatch in the variable set, it will shows us a warning to update the variable. I just want to do the same thing using octo.exe promote-release command. Is there any parameter to provide in command line, to automatically update the variables if there is any difference.
Please help us in this.

Thanks & Regards,
Karthikeyan Rajasekaran

Hi Karthikeyan,

Thanks for getting in touch.

If you know the id of the release you can easily update the variables for that release via the Octopus API. There is an example PowerShell script here:

If you only know the release number and project it is a bit more difficult and may be better to do in octo.exe. Please let me know if that is the case.


Hey Shane,
We have only the release number and project name. So please let me know how to update the variable snapshot using octo.exe in this case.


Hi Karthikeyan,

I’ve added an option to Octo.exe to update variables when promoting or deploying a release. You can use the --updateVariables argument. It is in version 4.0.11 which you can download here if you do not wish to wait for the release:


Hey Shane,
Thank you so much!! It worked :slight_smile:

Karthikeyan Rajasekaran