Problems with deployment to azure website

I have created a new azure website (not a VM, a website) and have problems deploying to it:

Importing Windows Azure modules
Loading the management certificate
Setting up the Azure subscription
Starting the Azure deployment process
Info 12:40:19
Creating a new deployment…
WARNING: The default subscription is being removed. Use Select-Subscription
to select a new default subscription.
WARNING: The current subscription is being removed. Use Select-Subscription
to select a new current subscription.
Error 12:40:19
New-AzureDeployment : "An exception occurred when calling the ServiceManagement
Error 12:40:19
API. HTTP Status Code: 404. Service Management Error Code: ResourceNotFound. M
Error 12:40:19
essage: The hosted service does not exist… Operation Tracking ID

I think something is wrong with the subscription id / azure settings. I have several subscriptions on azure (I am admin of a 3rd party subscription and have my own). I am trying to deploy to the 3rd party subscription (that is the subscription id I have used in the location itself).

Any ideas?

It looks like you really have to create an empty cloud service in the old portal ( to get it to recognize the “website”. Maybe this can be added to the docs?

Hi Geert,

Thanks for getting in touch! The Windows Azure step is for cloud services as you have correctly identified. In our documents page we say “Windows Azure cloud service projects”.
Deploying to an Azure website can be done using the following process:

Hope that helps!

Nice! I was wondering why I didn’t noticed that page earlier, but it was written today :slight_smile: Excellent job!

To verify: it works now, thanks!