PostDeploy.ps1 is not executed in guided failure mode scenario

Hi guys,

If I encounter an error on a particular step when failure guidance enabled (in this case, the failure occurs when attempting to purge the custom path), it seems that, when I hit Retry after fixing the problem, the PostDeploy.ps1 file does not get executed.

However if I re-run the entire deploy after fixing the problem, the ps script does get executed.

Any ideas what might be going wrong here?


Hi Daniel,

Are you using the “skip already installed packages” feature? If so there could be a feature interaction going on here - possibly causing the package to be detected as installed… Will need some thought if so.

Thanks for getting in touch.


Hi Nick,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you on this.

We’re not using that feature, however the problem has yet to re-emerge, despite the fact we have had guided failure kick in on this step since then.

I’ll put this one down as a one-off for the moment. Thanks for your help.
