Path issue with Linux Deployments

I am building a node package on a windows box in jenkins (along with all the .net stuff)

Before trying below, I was using the octopackjs, but had the same results.

When it deploys on linux (tentacle deploy) from a tar.gzip , it escapes the files because of the \ paths.
"/home/Octopus/Applications/BETA/.%5CFiles%5Cui-v2/2019.39.4 "
which turns out to be hidden folder …
it should be

Deploying package: /etc/octopus/default/.\Files\ui-v2@S2019.39.4@996AFDCC2E5A2F4690026D64E164F5EE.tar.gz
September 27th 2019 07:56:19Verbose
Extracting package to: /home/Octopus/Applications/BETA/.%5CFiles%5Cui-v2/2019.39.4

** jenkins **
pushd “Source\nuxt\ui-v2”
echo “restore node modules”
call npm install
echo “set version”
call gulp setversion --vx “%BUILD_NUMBER%”
call gulp setappversion --vx “%BUILD_NUMBER%”
echo “run build”
call npm run build
echo “pack files”
call gulp packit --archiveName “UI_V4.%BUILD_NUMBER%.nupkg”

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