When I disable a Deploy To IIS-step the App-pool Password is emptied.
We are using Custom User as our user and our password is stored in a variable set as a sensitive variable.
Why? We havent changed anything but disabled and enabled the step and no warning is issued that the field will be emptied when doing this.
Hi Jonas,
Thanks for getting in touch! I’m terribly sorry you’re hitting this unexpected and annoying behavior. I’m actually unable to reproduce this behavior by binding a sensitive variable to this password field under the app pool custom user identity. Which version of Octopus are you currently running? I’m testing this in my local instance running 2018.9.11 (latest), so upgrading may fix this.
If you’re running latest, are you still able to easily reproduce this issue? Could you provide some additional information like screenshots or a screen capture to ensure I’m attempting to repro properly?
I look forward to hearing back and getting to the bottom of this one!
Best regards,
2018.8.6 is the version we are using. Seems like disabling and then enabling is what empties the password, the password is a variable from a variable set eg. #{Password} set as type sensitive
After Disable:
“Id”: “f949c7a9-2c8d-46c5-8601-f570b3c542dc”,
“Name”: “Deploy WS IK”,
“Condition”: “Success”,
“StartTrigger”: “StartAfterPrevious”,
“PackageRequirement”: “LetOctopusDecide”,
“Actions”: [
“Id”: “35b3b0bb-1804-4158-ad22-928b55e96969”,
“Name”: “Deploy WS Test”,
“ActionType”: “Octopus.TentaclePackage”,
“WorkerPoolId”: null,
“IsDisabled”: falstrue,
“IsRequired”: false,
“Environments”: [],
“ExcludedEnvironments”: [],
“Channels”: [],
“TenantTags”: [],
“Packages”: [
“Name”: “”,
“PackageId”: “#{NugetPackageIdWS}”,
“FeedId”: “feeds-alecta-teamcity”,
“AcquisitionLocation”: “Server”,
“Properties”: {}
“Properties”: {
“Octopus.Action.IISWebSite.ApplicationPoolPassword”: {
“SensitiveValue”: “RSIDCwmt1w21yJC6NN4IAVOOFow=|d3n2+shc1q69lcIe”
Efter enabling again:
“Id”: “f949c7a9-2c8d-46c5-8601-f570b3c542dc”,
“Name”: “Deploy WS IK”,
“Condition”: “Success”,
“StartTrigger”: “StartAfterPrevious”,
“PackageRequirement”: “LetOctopusDecide”,
“Actions”: [
“Id”: “35b3b0bb-1804-4158-ad22-928b55e96969”,
“Name”: “Deploy WS Test”,
“ActionType”: “Octopus.TentaclePackage”,
“WorkerPoolId”: null,
“IsDisabled”: trufalse,
“IsRequired”: false,
“Environments”: [],
“ExcludedEnvironments”: [],
“Channels”: [],
“TenantTags”: [],
“Packages”: [
“Name”: “”,
“PackageId”: “#{NugetPackageIdWS}”,
“FeedId”: “feeds-alecta-teamcity”,
“AcquisitionLocation”: “Server”,
“Properties”: {}
“Properties”: {
“Properties”: {
“Octopus.Action.IISWebSite.ApplicationPoolPassword”: {
“SensitiveValue”: “deC3LCZHDLaRc0hx/WMqNKTUbmY=|ASLk0hkCMQfObWT1”
Hi Jonas,
Thanks for following up and providing that additional information. I’m still unable to reproduce this issue in version 2018.9.14 (latest). I don’t find any specific release note indicating this issue was fixed specifically, though I suspect it was related to another recently fixed issue. Would you be able/willing to upgrade to latest and let us know if this fixes the issue for you?
I hope this helps, and let me know if you have any further questions or concerns moving forward.
Best regards,
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