Passing email id in Octo.exe and accessing it in octopus

Hi ,

I have setup CI using VSTS and Octopus. VSTS uses octo.exe to push package and trigger the release. I want VSTS to pass email id of the person who has triggered the release to Octopus and then Octopus to trigger a mail to that person. Let me know how i can achieve this.


Thanks for reaching out. You need to use Prompted Variables to achieve this. The below doc shows how to create them, and how to pass values to it using Octo.exe.

In your case, since you are using VSTS (which uses Octo.exe in the background), you’ll need to pass the --variable parameter in the Additional Octo.exe arguments field as shown on the attached screenshot.

Finally, use that prompted variable in the To field of your email step.

Hope that helps!

If for some reason the variable doesn’t hold the value you expected, you can use the below troubleshooting technique to see the value of that variable at deployment time

Thanks Dalmiro. let me check and get back