I am trying to configure offline package drop to the UNC path. Unfortunately it does not finish up the job.
Before configuring the project in Octopus Deploy I did change the service user from “Local system” to a newly created AD user on a different domain, granted the permissions. Explicitly tested if it can go to a path.
As for the project process, created a step using “Deploy package” template that should just take nupkg and unpack it.
Created “Offline package drop” under “Deployment targets” with a specified UNC path. Assigned the deployment target role to the step. Ran the health check with success.
Finally decided to give it a try and deploy.
First run. The package aquisition and deployment step succeeded, but “Apply retention policy on Tentacles” had warning with the error inside “Access to the path is denied”. Checked the path and found everything that Octopus created but not the release artifacts. Only the package itself.
Second run. The package aquisition succeeded but the deployment step failed with an error “Access to the path is denied.”
Am I missing something in the configuration or is it really a problem with the user? By the fact that it runs the step successfully the first time, I believe the user should be fine.
Thank you.