I’ve gone through the documentation in regards to setting up HA OD nodes.
An overview m particular environment in AWS:
- Mirrored MSSQL RDS instance
- DFS Namespace and replication setup between two nodes
- 2x Octopus Deploy nodes in HA cluster with shared storage configured
- AWS classic load balancer with port 80 and 443 listener, a TCP listener for 10943 along with a health check against: HTTPS:443/api/octopusservernodes/ping
- Public IP’s on each of the Octopus Deploy nodes with 10943 open to the tentacles can poll them directly
Basically the workflow is upon boot of an instance that needs to talk with OD I run the following script as userdata to install the tentacle. It registers it against the HTTPS endpoint then adds the two OD servers as “poll servers” to the tentacle config
installtentacle.zip (1.7 KB)
The above works because I can see it in the config file
What I’m finding at the moment is in the tentacle logs I’m getting the following:
tentacleoutput.txt (3.4 KB)
Now searching through the OD nodes logs I see logs where it successfully authenticates on one server but fails on the other
- Working node
workingnode.txt (715 Bytes)
- Failing node
failingnode.txt (648 Bytes)
I can’t see anything obvious that would be causing this. There is certainly no connection issues as it can connect to both nodes but it would appear only one of the two nodes is trusting the certificate?
Any ideas?