Octopus stuck on canceling release after full disk

Our Octoups server is on a server that happened to fill its disk overnight (due in part to our NuGet packages in the Raven DB), and now is stuck on a user-initiated canceling of the release deployment. I shut the VM down and expanded the disk so it has plenty of extra space now, but the same release is still “Canceling”. This is the error I see on the dashboard:

The drive containing the directory ‘C:\Octopus\PackageCache\feeds-1’ on machine ‘VMSKY-DEPLOY’ does not have enough free disk space available for this operation to proceed. The disk only has 676 KB available; please free up at least 500 MB.
System.IO.IOException: The drive containing the directory ‘C:\Octopus\PackageCache\feeds-1’ on machine ‘VMSKY-DEPLOY’ does not have enough free disk space available for this operation to proceed. The disk only has 676 KB available; please free up at least 500 MB.
at Octopus.Platform.Util.OctopusPhysicalFileSystem.EnsureDiskHasEnoughFreeSpace(String directoryPath, Int64 requiredSpaceInBytes) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\1116bd9da9e239fd\source\Octopus.Platform\Util\OctopusPhysicalFileSystem.cs:line 350
at Octopus.Shared.Packages.PackageDownloader.AttemptToDownload(PackageMetadata metadata, IFeed feed, IActivity log) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\1116bd9da9e239fd\source\Octopus.Shared\Packages\PackageDownloader.cs:line 81
at Octopus.Shared.Packages.PackageDownloader.Download(PackageMetadata package, IFeed feed, PackageCachePolicy cachePolicy, IActivity log) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\1116bd9da9e239fd\source\Octopus.Shared\Packages\PackageDownloader.cs:line 53
at Octopus.Server.Orchestration.Deploy.Acquire.DownloadAndPushToTentaclesOrchestrator.d__7.MoveNext() in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\1116bd9da9e239fd\source\Octopus.Server\Orchestration\Deploy\Acquire\DownloadAndPushToTentaclesOrchestrator.cs:line 60

Upon further investigation, it turns out that this may have failed due to a hung Check Tentacle Health task, which I’ve attempted to cancel but seems to be hung. Based on what I read here (http://help.octopusdeploy.com/discussions/problems/15530-everything-got-queued), I attempted to change the document ServerTasks state from Cancelling to Cancelled, but got the error “Could not convert document ServerTasks-12630 to entity of type Octopus.Platform.Documents.Model.ServerTasks.ServerTask”. The task is waiting on two polling tentacles, however they are offline. I changed them to the disabled state and am hoping the task will time out at some point.

Annnd…ignore this problem! Changing the ServerTasks documents in the Raven DB to Failed instead of Cancelled seems to have made the problem go away.